Friday, January 7, 2011

"With You" - Nate Stone

I hope you had a nice holiday, Khim. Things were slightly crazy in my little corner of the world, so I hope yours was a little more calm. 2011 is going to be a good year, I think. The year things start to look up. I have faith in this.

One of my dear friends sent me an iTunes gift card for Christmas, so you can imagine my crazy excitement when I stumbled into their music store. I always get a little flustered because I want everything, but I'm taking my time and searching for songs that really speak to me.

The song I picked this time is "With You" by Nate stone. I fell in love with his voice while listening. It's so deep and meaningful, and I can just close my eyes and feel it inside me. I'm very into these singer/songwriter type songs lately (as well as folk music) and this just hit the spot. The lyrics are simple and sweet, the music soft and beautiful. I just love everything about it.

Listen to it here:

Have a wonderful weekend, honey.